Monday, March 21, 2011

[Guide] Furion - Prophet

This guide was written by Shirou_PL

Guide to Furion the Prophet
To protect the wilds!

    Table Of Contents

1. Story
2. Introduction
3. Info and Stats
4. Skill Usage
5. Skill Build
6. Item Build
7. Strategy
~7b. HERO'S Key Points
8. Hero Synergy
9. Screens and Additional Strategy
10. Conclusion
11. Replays
12. Credits

    1. Phophet's Story

The land is never safe. Furion, therefore, never rests. The leader of all Night Elves, Furion tirelessly works to protect the sanctity of his woods. It comes as no surprise that he who helped defeat Archimonde would be called upon once more in the Sentinel's hour of need. The fury of nature is at his disposal, the trees come to life at his command, the wind carries him to lands far away, and nature itself strikes all who defy his will. He is more than just a Keeper or a Prophet, he is a savior.

    2. Phophet's Introduction
Furion the Prophet is an unusual intelligence hero. His only damaging spell is his ultimate, and it is more effective when cast far from enemies to allow it to build in damage. Instead, Furion relies on his physical attack and his allies to take down enemy heroes. He is also a great sieger with his summoned Treants. Furion's main advantage is his amazing mobility. Using Teleportation, he can quickly be anywhere on the battlefield practically at will. A Prophet with good map awareness can be an invaluable help to his allies, since he can potentially be in any battle anywhere on the map. Using Sprout, he can trap enemy heroes and finish them off with his strong physical attack and allied help. After dealing with any resistance, he can summon an army of Treants and quickly destroy enemy towers and buildings before they have a chance to retaliate. Furion's final spell, Nature's Wrath, can be used to soften up targets across the map and give him a lot of gold from dying enemy creeps. For combating Furion and also playing him, map awareness is key.

In this build i want to show Prophet as a mix of farmer, semi-carry, ganker, supporter and pusher. His unique skills can be used in many ways, often changing tide of battle. Our goal is to mix them together in a way to win a game!

    3. Phophet's Info & Stats

[+] One of most active heros around
[+] Traveling in a matter of seconds
[+] Pseudo-disabler
[+] Easy to push and farm with
[+] Great support for team

[-] Very team reliable
[-] Only Pseudo-disabler
[-] Only one cheap anti-hero nuke
[-] Need farm to be dangerous alone

4. Phophet's Skill Usage

Sprouts a ring of trees around a unit, trapping it in place.

Description of this skill is rather cheap, it locks unit in place sprouting trees around it and lasts for 3/3.75/4.5/5.25 seconds. Very useful to :
- Keep enemies who cant eat/chop through it in place, trees can be still chopped by Quelling blade and some skills, like Beastmaster's Wild Axes.
- Can be used for your skill Force of Nature when no trees are around.
- Rather not to use on enemies (especially in team battle) who can easly get outside like Akasha, Sand King, Magina.
- It gives flying vision even in night around a circle, so can be used for example to counter juking ^^

Teleports to any explored point on the map.

Seriously another difficult spell to understand. This is MOST IMPORTANT spell for Prophet cause it gives him insane mobility, so he can be in place where he is needed in 3 seconds ^^. Cooldown decreases with every level - 50/40/30/20 seconds. After casting it you will mark a location that you will teleport to. It is visible to BOTH of you and opponent, so dont Teleport too near or on visible position to them. Two important things - you can cancel teleport while casting by pressing 'S' issuing stop command, and another - even if you are interrupted (stun or silence) while casting it spell still will be cooled so you can use it again ^^

Converts an area of trees into Treants. Treants have 550 hit points and deal 21-23 damage. Treants have 33% spell resistance.

It is your pushing utility, amount of summoned trees increases with every level - 2-5. It is possible to have 10 trees at the moment, cause of 37 second cooldown and 60 second duration.

Summons damaging energy to swath around the map and damage random enemies. Each enemy hit beyond the first adds 7% damage. Number of bounces increases per level.

Damage output from this skill is rather low, but it its mainly you farming utility. Should be cast whenever possible cause of its low cooldown - more use, more cash. Use it always when you see lots of enemy creeps on the minimap. Sometimes of course it can net you a kill or initiate action other line, for example by hitting low-hp hero and then one of your teammates knocks him out. It is important to say that Wrath is GLOBAL RANGE SPELL what means you can target every visible organic unit across the map! Wow.

Beware the wrath of the nature!

    5. Prophet's Skill Build

Level 1 - Teleportation
Level 2 - Sprout
Level 3 - Teleportation
Level 4 - Sprout
Level 5 - Teleportation
Level 6 - Wrath of Nature
Level 7 - Teleportation
Level 8 - Sprout
Level 9 - Sprout
Level 10 - Force of Nature
Level 11 - Wrath of Nature
Level 12 - Force of Nature
Level 13 - Force of Nature
Level 14 - Force of Nature
Level 15 - Stats
Level 16 - Wrath of Nature
Level 17+ - Stats

Ok this is my standard build - Teleportation is maxed first for mobility, then Sprout as an escaping, and disable mechanism, Wrath of Nature whenever possible for farming and pushing. And then Force of Nature for late game pushing. Clear?

    6. Phophet's Item Build


My starter build (AP/RD/SD) for prophet looks like that:

Just regen and some GG branches.
But if you dont like Ring of Regeneration or GG branches change those into:


Purpose of this items is to give you TOUGHNESS. You will not be like that squishy sniper, your team really need you on the battlefield! However, you will be feared more later, after bringing DPS items, but surivability is first in line. Aghanim boosts your farming ability even more! More cash, better Prophet.

No big difference here, another Null/Bracer suits here well too, but most important is Mjollnir. It turns you into powerful pushing machine among with your treants, and it makes you less likely to be attacked with shield on. BELIEVE me, they will hate what you do to protect the nature. Pushing their towers. Global farming their creeps. Whacking them with thunder charges in clash. None shall hurt the wilds!


With a so great farming abilities, you can buy even more! First luxury, that you MUST GET is Guinsoo.

This is disable that you lack!

Another items are:

Great to boost your mana pool and to protect against high dps hero team.

Great item against evasive heroes like Mortred. Make sure you get Guinsoo before. Great proc due to high +AS of your core.

Same story, but for this AS oriented build imo MKB is better.
If your team need additional slow, or you have a lot of cash you can get this.

Well, i highly recommend this item on prophet, in normal game is my part of core. Its just another farming tool to bright in late-game. Remember, you can always teleport to forest and get gold from neutral $.$

Good as boost to HP and regen as a late-game survival item.


Orchid needs special mention, cause of its silence. All stats that it gives is beneficial for Furion - Damage, Intelligence, Attack Speed and Massive Mana Regeneration. GREAT AGAINST BLINKERS AND WINDWALKERS! No more escape from your sprout!

If you want even more support your team, here you go! Mobile fountain, everytime, everywhere.

Powerful item against windwakers and invisible heros! Make use of it when its needed.
Prophet with his mobility is natural warder. Grab some wards if your team need this.

Buy it when often you are often stuned/disabled, or you are carry of your team.

Another spellblocking mechanism.

It can be alternative to Mjollnir, recomended against late carries.

When you want to joke around

Eeeeeeeeventually. Its not build for ninja/ks prophet.
Get this if you want to help your team by teleporting and heal entire team.

Urn is great item, no exception on Prophet. Can be addition to core ^^

7. Prophet's Strategy

 Early Game


What to do?
Start as usual, spend your cash and then start exploring woods. Remember - more exploring, more places to teleport. I prefer dual-lane cause you can help / net a kill with your lane-mate with Sprout. Try to deny and last-hit as much as possible - Prophet is very item dependent, you have to farm. However, if you have full carry on your lane - like Magina or Traxex, let them have some lasthits. Best mates for Dual-lane Prophet are Ranged heroes and stunners. (Vengeful Spirit has both!) Then its possible to use your both ranged attack on sprouted enemy. If you have any health issues you can always tp to base and return in a eyeblink, but i recommend that when a situation is really critical or your Teleportation skill is 3 or 4 lvl.

Mid Game


What to do?
When your Teleportation is maxed, you moved into Mid Game! Good job! Time to visit a base and support yourself with Power Threads and Urn. Now you should follow moral question "Where is my help needed?". Enemy is pushing a tower and your mates needs help? Teleport there! Your mates are pushing enemy tower? Teleport there! Is there a clash on middle? Teleport there!
You can do some ganks too. Just teleport to safe location (behind his/her back), let your mates know that you are going to gank, rush and sprout the enemy. ^^ Your objective in that part is to farm your Aghanim, so stay with creeps as long as possible but dont overdo it, pushing second tower in a row and no enemies on minimap may means that you are being ganked. In teambattles try to stay behind your mates, but remember that using sprout in teambattle is no always advisable. Use it always however when your enemy is running, or you are running! (Do a rampblock) Use your ulti whenever possible, farm Aghanim, then Hand of Midas if you liked farming spirit already or go straight for Maelstorm/Mjollnir.

Late Game


What to do?
As you finish your Mjollnir, there will be a Late Game starting. Follow your team and watch minimap for Roshan raids. Take part of every clash and farm like before. Most important thing now is to safe money for your Guinsoo, every disable is a bless now. Push with your team. In a clash put a shield on a initiator or carry, most front player. If they attack you, sprout yourself or enemy and run/tp. If you win a clash and there will be 2 or more enemy heroes dead, teleport to another lane, make treants and push with creeps, making pushes from every side. However if you lose, try to delay opponents arrival, de-push but DONT DIE. While dead you cant help your team. At this moment you should consider having some cash to spare when you die to immidately buyback. It will allow you to continue pushing/support/killing/anything and even gold cost is not problem for you now (cast ulti!) ^w^ Push and win! Nature will be safe!

7b. Prophet's Key Points

Thats most important thing that you can learn while playing Prophet. Read the game. Analyse it. Change a tide of battle. That's kinda epic dont you think?
- Always trace position of your enemies. If anyone on your lane is missing, give a "miss", and who is missing information. Simply saying "Miss riki" can not be enough.
- If you see ANY danger coming for your teammates, BLINK ON MINIMAP. It can save your teammate from rapists and ninjas! Maybe thats a small thing, but it really matters.
- When solo pushing, look on red hero dots on minimap. If there is 2 or more dots missing there are three explanations - you are in trouble, enemy heros are just dead or they are roshing. Best thing you can do is just to teleport on another lane and continue pushing.

Proper use of your abilities is a bless. More information later. ^w^

Like i mentioned earlier, Furion has extraordinay ability to move across the map. Make use of it! Teleport to base for items. (For lane mate's items too!) Almost no regen items are included in this guide, cause Furion DOESN'T need regen, especially mana regen. 23 seconds for healing your life and mana is really superior. Teleport to place. where mates needs your help. Work with your folks, and you will see results!

Every hero in Dota is meant to have fun. Enjoy the game, even when you are losing. Never tard-rage-quit, cause its like betraying your mates! Cheer your team, especially if game is hard. There is nothing more gamebreaking than a "Squad Broken" syndrome.

8. Prophet's Hero Synergy
PROPHET is a hero that synergises very well with other heros, except with another pushers.


They really like when you keep enemy in range. Fast killing guaranteed.


Sprouted enemy is for them easy to mark and even easier to wipe.


Well enemy stand still so i can get in~/open a way to meele heros


Can suck all enemies into your sprout, then...


    9. Prophet's Screens and Additional Strategy

Prophet's skills can be used in many ways - especially Sprout. Here are some things you can do.


Defensive move. Sprout ramp for escaping making ramp unpassable. Keep in mind that trees are abusing vision, but only for enemies!


Another Defensive move. Sprout enemy creeps coming to your tower to slow them down. You can do that on enemy heros too! ^^


A tricky move. Using Sprout gives you flying vision over area. How does it works?

Gah i can see nothing!

Oh its Roshan! ^^' Feel like a spy!


And then....

Eureka! As you see, that may come in handy.


Furion's ulti is like chain of lightning, but with every hit it increases in damage. It can hit 16 targets at 3 level, Aghanim increases its base damage, so also max damage. You should use it whenever possible, cause its your main farming tool. However, targeting in designated target is tricky cause of increasing damage. So - if you want to damage target (mostly hero) on your lane - target creep on farthest target possible so you are sure that target is hitted with more than just base damage. I personally use ult on my lane, helping most other lane (most damage). When using ulti target a creep that will SURELY DIE. Then a rest comes itself ^^. Have fun with killing enemies on other lanes!

Wrath of nature Mathcraft - on 3 lvl it deals max 620 (758 with scepter!) magical damage, can max give you about 750 gold from creeps! $.$

10. Conclusion

Then as you can see Prophet can be build in many ways. Make use of his extra mobility and push your way to victory. Help your team and dont stay in trees like in other builds, causing your team to play 4v5 for 30 minutes to build your "DPS ego".

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