Sunday, March 20, 2011

[Guide] - Orge Magi - Aggron Stonebreaker for Dota player - Lucky

Aggron Stonebreaker the Ogre Magi
Another guid to a hero in dota, this time it is orge magi. I used to play him for a long time and want to share the experience with you guys. My guide include various collections (mostly from SuperSheep guide on and my own experience as well. Enjoy!!!

The History Behind the Ogre
 Ogre Magi recently received some huge buffs both direct and indirect. Two of his abilities were rescaled (ironically based on a suggestion by me) and his intelligence was buffed significantly. Some other key buffs he received recently was the introduction of the reliable gold system and the new item arcane boots. Only time will tell, but it is likely we will start seeing a lot more of Ogre Magi in the competitive and public scene.

The reason he was so underused in the first place is because his Multicast was nerfed around 6.60. Aghanims was removed for him and Bloodstone (one of his key items) was also nerfed. After these events Ogre was completely forgotten and dubbed by all to be "shit tier."

Even back then Ogre was a good hero though, and is quite viable (especially now). The main reason he is ignored in the competitive scene, is because he is a melee hero, and therefore lacks alot of lane control (something valued very highly in the current meta-game. Pro players also don't like any reliance on chance and kind of hate his multicast because of that.

Nonetheless, Ogre Magi is very useful when you need a support hero who can absolutely dominate mid game, but still scales into late game. He also has a key advantage over similar heroes in that he can take alot more damage without dying. He is extremely noob friendly, but is very effective when used to his full potential. Overall, he can deal high damage, stun and slow, provide a powerful buff to his team and take some hits while he is at.
  • Powerful stun and long lasting slow
  • Noob friendly, but still owns in the hands of a pro
  • Scales way better than most casting heroes
  • Extremely beefy intelligence hero who makes strength heroes jealous
  • Strong Ganker with fireblast/ignite
  • Perfect attack animation and high base damage allow for easy lasthitting/denying
  • Extremely spammable steroid buff
  • Multicast causes devastation
  • Melee intelligence
  • Poor starting int
  • Poor int gain
  • Multicast however devastating cannot be relied on 100% of the time
  • Is at a disadvantage for counter-warding

The Role(s) of Ogre:

Ogre should do the following things to sucessfully fulfill his expectations.
  • Deny when laned with carry/Lasthit when laned with non-carry or alone.
  • Gank alot early game, especially after level 6.
  • Always buy a courier or wards (or both).
  • Place wards for his team, but someone else has to do the counter-warding.
  • Be a manly man. Take some hits.
  • Gank gank gank gank gank gank gank gank gank gank gank gank. Buff your carry, gank gank gank gank gank gank.
  • Don't be afraid to farm, but don't overdo it. If their is better stuff to be doing (like ganking) then you should be doing that, save farm for those who need it most.
Why Ogre isn't a tank:
  • His strength gain is high, but Ogre isn't as good at getting attention as other heroes.
  • His armor starts out high, but his poor agility gain prevents it from scaling well.
  • He has no tanking passives or skills.
  • Spending gold on tanking items won't solve his mana problems.

Hero Stats:

Strength: 23 + 3.2
Agility: 14 + 1.55
Intelligence: 17 + 2.4

Damage: 58 - 64
Armor: 5
Movespeed: 295
Attack Range: Melee

Note: Ogre Magi is very tanky in lane. High base armor, high strength, high strength gain. His intelligence is poor which makes it your main issue throughout the game.


Fire Blast

Your primary nuke. It deals relatively low damage until level 4 due to its uneven scaling. It becomes much stronger once multi-cast is skilled. It also is almost impossible to dodge since no projectile is fired. (It hits near-instantaneously) For info on how multicast affects it see below.

Level 1: 80 damage.
Level 2: 145 damage.
Level 3: 210 damage.
Level 4: 275 damage.

Manacost: 75/85/95/105
Cooldown: 12
Casting Range: 600

• Damage type: magical
• When Multicast, Fireblast hits the same target each time with a 0.3 seconds interval. This makes it a (1.5/1.8/2.1/2.4) second stun depending on the Multicast.
• Mana cost is increased by 30/70/110 when learning Multicast.
• Cooldown is decreased by 2/4/6 seconds when learning Multicast

Fireblast has no projectile so it's harder to dodge then most stuns but dodging IS possible. (See above)


Fireblast is really easy to use. However, there are two key things that it should NEVER be used for:

A. DO NOT use on creeps... EVER.
B. DO NOT Spam/Harass excessively in lane (once your mana pool is decent enough SPAM AWAY)

In lane cast it when an enemy hero channels or gets to close to your tower but generally you want to save it unless your going for a kill. In ganks always use it first and in team fights spam it on the most threatening hero every chance you get. Always cast BEFORE using ignite.(see below for why)


ur secondary nuke. It deals moderate damage over-time and a moderate slow. Despite this it has 3 key advantages over most other DoT slows.

A. Whopping 7.5 second duration!
B. Extremely long cast range of 700.
C. Very nice AoE once Multicast is skilled.

At first it will seem weak in comparison to similar spells but the AoE alone and the insane amount of time it lasts along with its relatively short cooldown make it an extremely effective spell in any arsenal.

Level 1: 10 damage/sec; 10% slow
Level 2: 20 damage/sec; 15% slow
Level 3: 30 damage/sec; 20% slow
Level 4: 40 damage/sec; 25% slow

Manacost: 95/105/115/125
Cooldown: 15
Casting Range: 700

• Damage type: magical
• AoE (with Multicast): 150/300/450
• You do not have to “Multicast” the AoE. It is permanent after Multicast is skilled.

This shows the AoE of Ignite at each level.


During laning, only use it when going for a kill. It is pretty weaksauce at early levels but that changes quickly. It is an excellent farming tool that can kill a full hp range creep but should not be used until Multicast is skilled atleast once. (It's a waste to hit only one creep with this.) When going for kills always cast AFTER Fireblast. The cast range is longer and it does not stun so if you cast this first the opponent often will get away (or counterattack) before you can use Fireblast. In fights try to cast in the center of the battle to hit the most opponents possible. When using it for farming try to make sure the ranged creeps are in its AoE.


Your steroid spell. Early levels have a long cooldown and aren't very useful but later on (when its needed most) it becomes VERY spammable and multicasting makes it possible in fights to near perma-bloodlust not just your carries BUT YOUR WHOLE TEAM.

Level 1: Increases attack speed by 20% and movement speed by 6%
Level 2: Increases attack speed by 30% and movement speed by 9%
Level 3: Increases attack speed by 40% and movement speed by 12%
Level 4: Increases attack speed by 50% and movement speed by 15%

Manacost: 75
Cooldown: 20
Casting Range: 600

• When Multicast, nearby allies will be selected randomly in an 600 AoE to be Bloodlusted.
• Multicast reduces the cooldown by 5/10/15. (Starting cooldown is 20)
• Duration is always 30 seconds.

Bloodlusted units are slightly larger in size and have a glowy animation on there hands. Makes your chunky size even scarier!


Real simple. Cast it on your carries and watch them own people. Its low cost makes spamming easy even with Ogre's terrible mana pool. Multicasting it combined with its awesome cooldown reduction via multicast make it really easy to have your whole team buffed. Do not cast on creeps. (however the occasionally receive it from your multicasts) This is probably the games most spammable buff and arguably one of the best ones. It has a long duration at all levels and the MS bonus makes it great when fleeing. Use it on yourself or allies, especially those with low MS/low AS (Faceless Void loves you. <3) Outside of battle you can use it on yourself just for the bonus MS when going to and from the fountain or lanes etc.

Multi Castur ultimate. It passively amps up the power of your other skills. It's what makes you scale well into late-game and why your so scary. Essentially, a crit ability but it applies to spells not attacks. It is chanced based but this makes it far from ineffective. See below for how it specifically affects your other skills.

Level 1: 25% chance to cast twice.
Level 2: 40% chance to cast twice. 20% chance to cast three times.
Level 3: 50% chance to cast twice. 25% chance to cast three times. 12.5% chance to cast 4 times.


• Gives Fireblast and Bloodlust a chance to cast multiple times and makes Ignite an AoE spell.
• Increases Fireblast manacost 30/70/110 and decreases its cooldown by 2/4/6.
• Ignite gains a 150/300/450 AoE centered around the unit you target.
• Bloodlust's cooldown is decreased by 5/10/15.
• The chances mentioned are the chance to get at least that many casts.
• Typing the -mc command will give your multicasting stats.

When you get a Multicast a nice red text appears that tells you how much the multicast was.


Not much you can say here. But the more you spam fireblast and bloodlust the more times you will multicast. An extremely under-rated skill that can annihilate in battles on often mean the difference between success and failure.

Level 1:Fireblast
Level 2:Ignite
Level 3: Fireblast
Level 4:Ignite
Level 5:Fireblast
Level 6: Multi Cast
Level 7: Fireblast
Level 8: Ignite
Level 9: Ignite
Level 10: Bloodlust
Level 11: Multi Cast
Level 12: Bloodlust
Level 13: Bloodlust
Level 14: Bloodlust
Level 15: Stats
Level 16: Multi Cast
Levels 17-25: Stats

You can experiment with skill builds all you want but whatever you do Fireblast is ALWAYS maxed first. Nuff said.


Ogre is fairly item-independant. However he has one key issue you must address to be effective. His horrid mana pool. Once your mana is at reasonably spammable levels you should build additional support items and spend more on wards.

Starting items:


This is just one set of ideal items to start with. Sometimes you may want mix this up a bit (sometimes I get a QB for example). Whatever you do though, you should get courier or wards every game.
Yes this is the only item that orge magi needed to shine in battle
[BOOTS] Start out with boots of speed, but upgrade them to arcane boots quickly. And you can spam Fire Blast as much as you can, the more the better due to the % of multicast
[WAND] Easy to build, simple to use. You really can't go wrong with this. If your early game is bad you can get a single Null Talisman too.
[WARDS] Get these lots early game, this is when you roam the most and also it's the best time to use them.
Luxury items:

Steal too much farm? Killsteal like mad? Game lasting over an hour? Not a problem. Ogre has many potential luxury items.

  • [ORCHID]This item is mostly gotten for the silence. Soul Burn + Multicast = Great PAIN! Also gives good regen and some physical dps.
  • [BLOODSTONE] Lots of additional mana and hitpoints, you can use the energy booster from your Arcane Boots and charges are easy to gain with fireblast.
  • [BLADEMAIL] Great when your getting focused alot. Ogre has high HP which means opponents usually suffer more than you do while this active. It's also incredibly inexpensive.
  • [GUINSOOS] A good item on virtually any hero and ogre is no exception. Hex is an extremely nice disable and the mana it gives is infinite allowing ogre to spam fireblast to an extent otherwise impossible.
  • [BOOTS OF TRAVEL] Later on when your mana is no longer a big concern switch your Arcane Boots to these.
  • [LINKENS] Great stats and the spell block is irreplacable against certain lineups. Situationally can be very game breaking and Ogre benefits well from all it gives.
  • [SHIVAS] Gives lots of int and its slow combined with ignite is very powerful. The Aura and armor bonus are good to counter physical attack carries.

Optional items: Quickly get into the range, stun, hit hit > add Ignite when he wakes up

Ogre Magi should generally NOT solo. He is a melee hero and chunky or not he has little lane control and spamming fireblast for harassment is not possible early in the game. Side lanes are good for ogre because he can make his Arcane Boots while remaining in lane. Ogre lanes best with a ranged hero, preferably with another stun. He makes an annoying dual stun lane with somebody like VS or Lion and can help draw FB easily with allied support. However, you should not spam fireblast to liberally unless your laning with a mana battery like KotL. Save it for when your going for a kill or have lots of mana and always ensure you have enough mana to cast it again before you use it. Ogre can last hit and deny very well with a QB and unless your against serious harassment your HP and armor should keep you alive til you reach level 6. Ogre should gank alot early especially when you get multicast.

Ogre does not have alot of lane control so do not use him as a babysitter. Although ogre can go to pretty much any lane he does best in the offensive lanes (Top sentinel/Bottom scourge) Ogre is strong enough he doesn't need the easy lanes to survive and if you put him in the defensive lane its usually in place of a carry who needs it more than you do.
An option to consider as opposed to laning is roaming. Roaming will help your carries farm by ganking their lanes but will leave you underleveled if you don't succeed. Manage your mana well, place wards, abuse the runes, sideshops and your courier. Strike when your allies are ready and always make the carry your highest priority target. Since roaming is really just ganking, see the ganking tab for more advice. 
Ogre is an extremely effective ganker. You can roam as early as level 2 but it's often better to build some of your core first and gain some levels in lane for a bit. The success of a gank can often be based on whether you multicast or not. From level 6-11 a 2x multicast can insta-gib most fragile heroes and leave tougher ones with low enough HP for your allies to finish them. However just because you didn't multicast doesn't mean you should walk away. The spell has a 10 second cooldown (with one level of MC) and you still have ignite and whatever your allies nearby have to offer. Simply put you don't NEED multicast to suceed but getting a multicast makes it REALLY easy to kill someone.

Usually you want to initiate the gank with Fireblast and let your ally beat on them during the stun. Use Ignite immediately after Fireblast and then start beating on the target with your club. If you can chase the target far enough to use Fireblast again without getting in much danger by all means do so. The more fireblasts you can get on them the more likely you will get that prized multicast. (which 99% of the time will finish the job if there damaged already)
To start you are not the initiator. Your job is to wait until your initiator starts the fight and then run in and wreck havoc. To make things easier to read I made step-by-step instructions for what to do during teamfights.

1. Wait for initiator to... initiate.
2. Find the most threatening hero on the opponents team. Usually the carry. Cast Fireblast on them and pray for a 4x Multicast!
3. Locate the hero who is in the most centrally clumped position in the fight. Cast Ignite on them. (try to get as many heroes in the AoE as possible)
4. Bloodlust any allies who are not bloodlusted, though this step can be completed prior to the fight.
5. Attack the nearest most threatening target with your club until you are capable of completing step 6.
6. Repeat steps 2 and 3 and 4 as necessary.
7. ?????
8. Profit.

WARNING: Actual experience may vary

Ogre is not a complicated hero. Your goal is to spam your spells at every cooldown and wack people with that sexy club of yours.
The thing that will define your success is whether you use your spells at the right time and on the correct people. This will come with experience but remember GENERALLY speaking these are your priority targets for your spells.

Fireblast: Enemy Carry/Disabler (depends who is the most threatening)
Ignite: Hero who has the most allies in close proximity to him/her/it. (If everyone is spread out too far then cast it on there carry)
Bloodlust: Your strongest carry THEN everyone else.

This is an essential part of playing support in an organized game. Keep in mind ogre is at a significant disadvantage warding because he is unable to kill wards enemies place on cliffs. (unless you get a necrobook) After reading through the few or so warding guides that exist I decided that these two are the best ones. (Kawumm also refers to one of them in in his THD guide) Everything you want to know about warding can be found in these.
Conclusion: Yeah Orge magi gameplay is quite simple, not item-dependable so it is suitable for newbie to practice in the first time they play Dota. But remember, Dota is a game of 5 v 5, not a single player so it is crucial to coporate with your teammate, help them anytime you can, farm up your core and head for the win.

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