Sunday, May 8, 2011

[ebook] Defense of the Ancients guide "How to improve yourself in Dota"

Have you ever wonder why the other people are so professional? Are you sick of being called "noob, newbie, feeder" or hearing these word "OMG GTFO, stop feeding, useless,..."?

If any answer of those quiz above is "Yes" then my ebook is just the solution for you, I strongly believe that.
Or else, you can utilize my ebook as a quick-access, offline version of all the Dota guides and save time of searching for information about the skill, skill build, the item build or some strategy for a specific hero.

Download it now and PRACTICE with all the information provided and you will soon realized how effective my ebook is. REMEMBER, game is for fun, however, without winning, the game is not fun anymore. Any donation would be appreciated ^^, tks guys


  1. Life isn't about waiting for the right time to come. It's all about doing all the right things in the time that is given to you. See the link below for more info.


  2. Sometimes , we tend to be pessimistic and suspicious for those people whom we does not know physically and mentally yet gives concern to us and we can only appreciate their goodness if something happened in good reasons.So be welcome and appreciate kindness.
